Finding the Write Fit

How to determine the type of writer you need for your next project

Using the right words matters

The right word can be a skeleton key to accessing a group of people. For example, dropping technical terms like “axis alignment” and “consumer wearables” when talking with industry professionals puts them at ease. Speaking their language contextualizes your conversation quickly, providing deeper insights and (sometimes) more assignments. Jargon, when used sparingly, is golden but, when thrown around indiscriminately, can alienate others, specifically outsiders.

Decoding the titles writers choose

The insider language/buzzword flinging dilemma applies to work titles, especially when labeling what someone does. Narrow it down even more to someone who does a little bit of everything, and things get molasses-level sticky. What differentiates a copywriter from a writer? When do you choose a content writer over a blogger? Do you need both and a content specialist if you want materials for your blog and website? Does your assignment require a writer and an editor, or just a writer who lists “editing” as a skill?

Here’s a (very) simple breakdown:

  • Copywriters typically craft content used in marketing.  
  • Content writers create informational pieces, such as blogs and white papers.
  • Content specialists focus on the strategy behind developing and publishing materials.
  • UX writers guide the user experience within apps and web pages.

How to choose a writer “type” for your type?

Focusing on your communication goals can help you find the right type of writer for the job. Are you trying to bulk up your website to show your authority? Content writer. Do you want to add content but don’t know where to start? Content specialist. Do you need someone to write a catchy slogan? Copywriter. Don’t know how to make your new app user-friendly? UX writer.

Writer versus collaborative copywriter

Underneath the titles, the adjectives writers choose for themselves can highlight their differences. Collaborative copywriters, for example, have a different focus and process from a more general writer.

A collaborative copywriter prioritizes discovering their client’s concerns and voice before diving into a project. Collaborative copywriters love to get to the essence of what makes clients tick. Understanding a client’s passion helps collaborative copywriters to write inspiring copy. Collaborative copywriters also work hard to sync with clients’ processes seamlessly. Accommodating schedules, timeframes, technology tools, and more helps ensure the work gets done and communication continues.

Demystifying how writers define their work will help guide your search for a resource for your next project. Having a few key insider words and descriptive terms in hand may be just what you need.


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